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Политика приватности
Архив ветеринарске медицине 8-2
The incidence of heavy metals and other toxic elements in roe deer (capreolus capreolus) tissues
Infestation of larnaea cyprinacea (crustacea: cepopoda) in diff erent categories of common carp (cyprinus carpio) reared in Serbia
Immunity to rhodococus equi infection in horses
The proposal of a program for control, suppression and eradication of bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in cattle herds in Th e Republic of Serbia
Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with diff erent composition feed
Results of hunting the ringed pheasants in hunting grounds of AP Vojvodina (Serbia) in 2014 and 2015
Monitoring of postoperative course after sterilization in cats of different reproductive status after the use of xylasine/ketamine anesthesia
Heat stress in poultry industry
Resistance to fluoroquinolones in Escherichia coli from pigs
Архив ветеринарске медицине 8-1
Ichthyophthiriosis – cause of significant losses of carp fingerlings
Investigations on the resistance of commensal swine escherichia coli to some Aminoglycosides-Aminocyclitols
Resistance to tetracycline in Escherichia coli and Etaphylococcus aureus: brief overview on mechanisms of resistance and epidemiology
Method validation for determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in food and feed
Forensic examination of a boar died during transport aimed at reimbursement of insured animal
Corynebacterium renale cystitis in cow – case report –
The epizootiological importance of Salmonella spp. isolated in various aspects of poultry production in the southern Bačka and Srem region
Архив ветеринарске медицине 9-2
Natural antibiotic resistance genes in soil bacteria and influence of organic fertilisers on their prevalence and horizontal transfer.
Investigation of presence of methicillin resistant staphylococci in students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Genetic mechanisms of methicillin resistance in staphylococcus aureus ( mrsa ) and its capacity of transmission : a brief review.
Influence of saccharomyces cerevisiae ( actisaf sc 47 ® ) as feed aditive in gestation or lactation diets on sows and nursing piglets health and performance.
Dirofilariosis and angiostrongilosis in pet and hunting dogs in Novi Sad , Vojvodina , Serbia.
PCR detection of genital infections in bull semen from different regions of Ukraine
Occurrence of thelazia callipaeda in cats – case report.
Pathologic changes in swans infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza ( H5N8 ) virus.
Архив ветеринарске медицине 9-1
Prospectives and necessity of eradication of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis / infectious pustular vulvovaginitis in the Republic of Serbia.
Bluetongue disease – epizootiology situation in Serbia in 2015, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Seroprevalence of mosquito-born and tick-born microorganisms in human population of South Backa district.
Electrolytes – sodium, potassium and chlorides in poultry nutrition.
Comparative analysis of different strategies for the control of classical swine fever in the Republic of Serbia using Monte Carlo simulation.
Tetracycline resistance in Escherichia coli isolates from poultry.
Evaluation of the management of brown hare population in Vojvodina region for the period 1967-2011.
Malignant tumours in labrador retrievers used for narcotic detection.
Continue Reading Архив ветеринарске медицине 9-1
Архив ветеринарске медицине 10-2
Investigation of quantity and chemical characteristics of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) by-products.
Epizootiological situation of African swine fever in Europe.
Investigation of Mycoplasma synoviae seroprevalence in broiler breeder farms in South Bačka region.
Th e eff ect of freezing-thawing and marination time on cooked chicken breast meat quality.
Label analysis of Serbian honey: what does (not) the label tell us?
Dermanyssus gallinae – overview: life cycle, morphology, prevalence and control measures in poultry farms.
An innovative formulation of paraffi n and silicone oils for the control of the red poultry mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) – examination of the effi ciency.
Lyme borreliosis in North Backa district.
Архив ветеринарске медицине 10-1
Seasonal dynamics of the presence of Culicoides spp. in Serbia in the period 2015-2016.
Incidence of hydrometra in goats and therapeutic effects.
Usutu virus: an emerging flavivirus in Europe.
Aflatoxin Ml in milk and assessing the possibility of its occurrence in milk products.
Cyprinid Herpesvirus diseases.
Aujeszkys disease in a dog – case report.
Facilities for animal feed production as Salmonella reservoirs and sources of final products contamination.
Vanadium in poultry nutrition.
Архив ветеринарске медицине 11-1
Dermanyssus gallinae eradication approach – application of inert compounds and integral animal health protection
Prevalence of the giant liver fluke (fascioloides magna, bassi, 1875) in red deer (cervus elaphus) in the region of floodplain forests of northern Serbia
Electronic rat-control devices – solution or scam? Results of field trials and a summary of the literary data
Dynamics of microbial contamination in a poultry hatchery
Study results of the presence of culicoides spp. in Serbia during 2017
Poisoning of domestic carnivores by banned pesticides in South Bačka district
Some adverse events following immunization in veterinary medicine
Diagnosis of west Nile neuroinvasive disease in humans
Electrical conductivity and acidity of honey
На жалост, вирус афричке куге свиња се и даље успешно шири на Европском континенту и недавно је потврђено његово присуство у Белгији, у популацији дивљих свиња. С обзиром да не постоји адекватан терапијски третман за ово обољење нити су на тржишту доступне ефикасне вакцине, један од начина да се заустави ширење вируса и спречи његово уношење у запат свиња јесте примена одговарајућих биосигурносних мера у свињарској производњи. При томе, нарочито треба обратити пажњу на спољашњу (екстерну) биосигурност. У државама где вирус афричке куге свиња већ неко време циркулише у популацији дивљих свиња, постало је сасвим јасно да са применом солидних биосигурносних мера, вирус може успешно да се задржи изван ограде фарме домаћих свиња.
Стога, још једном подсећамо на најважније екстерне биосигурносне мере у свињарској производњи:
Обавештење о закљученом уговору
Број јавне набавке 5/2018-1.1.6 od 05.12.2018.
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