
IPA Project
Cross-Border Programe Croatia-Serbia
Classical swine fever

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Lazić S, Kvaščev J, Došen R, Prodanov Radulović J, Pušić I, Stojanović G, Petrović T. PREVENTION OF CLASSICAL SWINE FEVER SPREADING IN CROSS-BORDER REGION THROUGH IMPROVEMENTS OF SANITARY STANDARDS AND EDUCATION OF FARMERS. AVM [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];7(2):13-28. Available from:


This paper describes the implementation of the project “Prevention of CSF spreading in the cross-border region through improvements of sanitary standards and education of farmers - STOP CSF” implemented and funded under the IPA Cross-Border Programme Croatia-Serbia 2007-2013. The project had been implemented in Serbia by Scientifi c Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad” from Novi Sad and the project partners in the Republic of Croatia were Osjek-Baranja County and the Regional Developmental Agency of Slavonia and Baranja Ltd from Osijek. Th e project was implemented in the period 17 January 2011 - 17 July 2012 (18 months). All planned project activities have been fully implemented. A promotional leaflet was designed, edited and printed in 10000 copies (5000 copies in Serbian and 5000 copies in the Croatian language). On the territory in Serbia where the project was carried out (Southern Backa and Srem district) all of the copies of leaflets printed in Serbian language were distributed. Th e Manual “The prevention of classic swine fever (CSF) in rural farms” of authors, Sava Lazić, Tamaš Petrović, Jasna-Prodanov Radulović and Radoslav Došen, was also edited and printed in 4000 copies (2000 on Serbian and 2000 on the Croatian language). On the territory in Serbia where the project was carried out all the copies of the manual printed in Serbian language were distributed. On the topic of CSF, 10 workshops have been held, visited by 237 participants in Serbia and 4 joint workshops have been held (two in Serbia and two in Croatia) for farmers both from Serbia and Croatia with the total of 84 farmers attended (43 from Croatia and 41 from Serbia). Therefore the workshops in Serbia were attended by 278 participants. For better education and training for implementation of biosecurity measures in the prevention of CSF, in the period from the 21st to the 26th of November 2011 there was organized a study tour to Vehta (Bremen) in Germany. On the study tour, there were 15 farmers and 4 members of the Project team from Serbia, and 15 farmers with 3 members of the Project team and an interpreter from Croatia. In the area of project implementation in Serbia, on family farms, there were 18 disinfectant barriers built. A cost-benefi t analysis was made that scientifi cally and professionally determined that the invested funds are multi functional and instrumental in the prevention of CSF. Th e fi lm „Preventing the CSF in rural households“ (30 min. long) and a TV spot (60 seconds long) were made. Th ey have been broadcasted on over 10 local TV stations. The peak point of project activities was the International Conference: “Preventing the spread of CSF in the border region of Croatia-Serbia (STOP-CSF)” which was held on the 7th and 8th of June 2012 in Novi Sad. At the conference 25 scientifi c and professional papers were presented by the speakers from Germany (EU Reference Laboratory for CSF), by high scored professionals from the neighbouring countries (Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the countries where the project was implemented (Croatia and Serbia). The first day of the Conference there were 152 participants, and 158 on the second day, mainly veterinarians. Th e general impression was that the Conference was successful, the lectures and discussions provided explanations on many issues from epizootiological surveillance, prevention and diagnostics of Classical Swine Fever (CSF).

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