Authors Guidelines


ARCHIVES OF VETERINARY MEDICINE (AVM) is a journal of the Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad” in Novi Sad. The journal publishes original research papers and review articles, short communications and case reports. The journal is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning veterinary sciences, biotehnology and related academic disciplines. The journal is published in the English language, with an abstract in English and Serbian language. All manuscripts are sent for a review and evaluation. In the case the reviewer suggests additional changes, the manuscript will be sent to the first author with a kind request to change the manuscript. In the case the author does not want to change, appropriate argumentation should be given. Final decision on accepting the manuscript is given by the Editor in Chief or Deputy Editor.

By submitting a manuscript, Authors warrant that their contribution to the Journal is their original work, that it has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out. Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the experimental results and must make sure they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public. Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the Authors. Authors must make sure that only contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors and, conversely, that all contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors.

Peer review process is managed electronically. Authors have the possibility to provide the contact details of one or two potential peer reviewers, but the final decision on the choice of reviewers is on Editor decision without any obligation to contact any of the Author-recommended peer reviewers. The Editor nominates peer reviewers (at least two). The submitted manuscripts are sent to the reviewers together with the instructions for reviewers and accompanying reviewers’ evaluation formAcceptance of the manuscript is based on the reviews and on the final decisions of the reviewers regarding the acceptability of the manuscript. A reviewer's decision is one of following: "Accepted as it is”, “Accepted after minor revision", "Accepted after major compulsatory revision" or "Rejected". If there is marked discrepancy in the decisions between the reviewers, the Editor can send the manuscript to another reviewer for additional comments and further decision, or make the decision based on the existing information. Names of the reviewers are not transmitted to the author (single blind review). The peer review process is expected, in general, to start within two weeks after the submission of the manuscript. The Corresponding Author must indicate clearly in a separate letter what corrections have been made in response to the reviewers’ comments point by point, and giving the relevant new line numbers using Final show markup view under Track Changes in MS Word Review ribbon. Corrected manuscripts are expected to be returned within three weeks. Accepted manuscripts are published on and then selected for a subsequent print issue.

The Journal Archives of Veterinary Medicine (AVM) uses open-source software for the management of peer-reviewed academic journals, the Open Journal System (OJS), created by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), released under the GNU General Public License. Instructions for the submission using OJS 3.0 are available on the Open Journal Systems web page (OJS 3.0 User Guide” © by PKP

Use of artificial intelligence (AI)

Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, presently do not meet our authoring standards. The attribution of authorship inherently entails accountability for the work, which cannot be adequately assigned to LLMs.   The utilization of an LLM must be well documented in the Methods section, or in an appropriate substitute section if the Methods section is absent, of the publication. The utilization of an LLM (or alternative AI tool) for "AI-assisted copy editing" does not require disclosure. Authors may utilize a LLM or other AI assistant as a writing aid, provided they adhere to the aforementioned privacy and confidentiality stipulations, to assist in refining, correcting, formatting, and editing text and tables. Contributions of this nature must be specified in the Acknowledgements section, including the name and version of the AI. Authors bear complete accountability for the content.

These AI-assisted enhancements may encompass modifications in phrasing and formatting of the texts, but exclude generative editorial tasks and independent content creation. In every instance, human accountability for the final text version is essential, along with the authors' consent that the modifications accurately represent their original work.

The Archives of Veterinary Medicine does not permit figures or images generated by, or with the aid of, generative AI models, unless they are explicitly integral to the study result and distinctly identified as such.

The utilization of non-generative machine learning technologies to alter, amalgamate, or augment existing images or figures must be stated in the pertinent caption upon submission.

General notes

The manuscript must be written in clear and concise English, and should be checked by a native-English speaker or certified English instructor with a good understanding of scientific terminology. The complete manuscript must be prepared according to instructions given in this section. Please read all instructions carefully. A manuscript that has not been prepared in accordance with the Journal’s instructions for authors will not be considered for review.

All manuscripts submitted to Archives of Veterinary Medicine, must be accompanied by a Cover letter (see below). Also, authors are required to submit a scanned copy of the signed original, Competing interests, Authors contribution, and License to Publish which can be downloaded from the Journal homepage (see below).

Approval of the ethics committee must be obtained prior to the start of the study and be available upon request. Authors report this approval in their manuscript in the first paragraph of the Materials and Methods section, including the name of the regulatory group, reference number and date of the approval.


Ethical approval: The research related to animal use complied with all the relevant national regulations and institutional policies for the care and use of animals (name of regulatory group, number and date).

Ethical approval: No ethical approval was obtained because this study did not involve laboratory animals and only involved non-invasive procedures (e.g. collection of waste tissue after surgery, fecal samples, voided urine etc.)

Registration and/or Login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. Please note that by signing up and submitting your manuscript to Archives of Veterinary Medicine you agree to the Journal’s terms and conditions. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is done by e-mail. The Journal submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files. Editable files (Microsoft Word, .doc, or .docx format) are required to typeset your article for final publication. The text of the submitted manuscript should be written in good English language. The Editor reserves the right to amend submitted manuscripts to a suitable standard of formal, written English. Manuscripts are pre-evaluated at the Editorial Office in order to check whether they meet the basic publishing requirements and quality standards, and authors will be notified by email upon receiving their submission. Only those contributions which conform to the following instructions can be accepted for peer-review. Otherwise, the manuscripts will be returned to the authors with comments / suggestions.

Online submission (

Layout of the manuscript, Style and Form 

The paper should be in Word program, Latin characters, size 12 pt., Times New Roman with justified alignment, double spaced. Left and right margins 20 mm, top and foot margins 30 mm, paper size A4. The journal requires continuous line numbering in submitted manuscripts. Number the pages consecutively with the title page being page 1. If special symbols are used, use font Symbol. The manuscript should be submitted on paper size A4 in electronic form. Pagination on the right side, starting from the title page.

The journal publishes the following types of articles: Original research articles, Review articles, Short communications and Case reports.

Original research articles describe the original research, previously unpublished and includes the following sections: Title Page, Abstract with Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables/Figures (with legends). The writing style should be concise but clear enough to enable readers to reproduce the experimental methodology as described. The article must present a clear hypothesis and data expressed according to an appropriate experimental design. The Original research article should not contain more than 40 references, and usually have no more than 5000 words.

Review articles represent analysed and discussed summaries of different topics in the area of veterinary medicine, biotechnology and related scientific disciplines which are of broad interest to the target audience of Archives of Veterinary Medicine. The authors of a Review articles should be experts on the subject of the review, as proven by their own published peer-reviewed papers and by citations of these papers in the submitted review. It is essential that the authors of a review article are cited as authors of at least five other articles, published in Journals from the SCI list, addressing the same subject as the review article submitted. A review contains: Title Page, Abstract with Key words, Main Text, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables/Figures/ Illustrations (with legends). The main text in reviews preferably has less than 6000 words.

Short communications represent the concise but complete descriptions of limited investigations, which will not be included in a later full research article. A short communication usually contains the following sections: Title Page, Abstract with Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables/Figures/Illustrations (with legends). A short communication should not contain more than 15 references and preferably has less than 3000 words.

Case Reports are reports describing a novel case (or set of cases) with detailed documentation and diagnostic investigation. Authors are encouraged to describe how the subject of the Case report is novel or unusual in the covering letter that will accompany the submission of the Case report. Case reports usually contain the following sections: Title page, Abstract with Key words, Case presentation, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables/Figures/Illustrations (with Legends). Case reports usually have no more than 2500 words, and should not contain more than 15 references.

 Title page

On the title page the following should be written:

– The title of the paper in capital letters, without underlining and abbreviations

– The names of the authors (first name and surname, followed by a comma).

– Above the surname place a number in superscript (1,2,3) that denotes the institution where the author works (affiliation).

– Full name of the institutions should be given below the list of authors (the following order should be considered: university or organization/institution, department, city, and country for all authors).

– One of the authors must be designated as the Corresponding Author (add an asterisk next to the Author's surname). Full contact details including postal address, and e-mail address for the corresponding author must be provided at the bottom of the Title page.


An Abstract not exceeding 300 words must be provided with and three to eight key words. It should contain and summarize the most important facts from the submitted manuscript. For Original research articles, Short Communications and Case reports the material and techniques used must be mentioned without going into methodological detail, and the most important findings must be summarized. An Abstract for a Review paper should contained background, key findings and/or conclusions. Citations, tables and specialist abbreviations are not included in any Abstract.

Authors from Serbia must also submit an Abstract and Key words in Serbian, including the title of the paper, list of authors and their affiliations on a separate page after References. Translation of the Abstract and Key words from English to Serbian language will be performed by the Editorial Office for Authors who are not fluent in Serbian.

The main Text

All the text headings should be typed in bold capital letters, and the subheadings, where necessary should be in bold italic with only an initial capital letter. Use short and concise sentences. Name the drugs as their International Nonproprietary Names (so called generic names). If the name of a specific drug is to be stressed, name it together with the producer (in brackets). The names of devices write as used in trade (name of the producer in brackets). When using an abbreviation for the first time, write the words that stand for. Abbreviations cannot be used in the title and summary. Text should not be longer than 8 pages. Avoid long enclosures.

Tables and Figures

Tables and Figures (graphs, images, schemes etc.) must not be integrated into the main text. Instead, they must be submitted as separate, supplementary files. Tables and Figures are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.). Results which can be described as short statements within the text must not be presented as Figures or Tables. Data must not be replicated in Tables and Figures. The titles and legends help make the tables and figures understandable without the reader having to refer to the main text. However, they must also be concise and are not used to re-describe the methodology. Appropriate numbers and titles for tables and numbers and legends (including titles and explanations of markings) for figures are typed single line spaced using Times New Roman, 12 pt, in the main text and placed next to the relevant text in the article to enable the Editors to place them properly.

Tables are submitted as one document, with one table per page. Tables should be submitted as editable text and not as images. Each table is prepared on a separate page and is appropriately numbered with a short, descriptive table title placed above. Tables can include footnotes, which are placed below the table and explain any abbreviations. Use superscript Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3 etc., in the correct order of reading the table, from top left to bottom right) to link each footnote to the appropriate item in the table requiring explanation.

Each Figure (graphs, images, schemes etc.) is submitted as a separate file. Uppercase letters A, B, C, etc. should be used to identify parts of multipart figure. Images must be at resolution 300 dpi or higher and allowable formats – JPG, TIFF. For microphotographs, scale bars with appropriate units must be provided. Symbols, arrows or letters used in photographs should contrast with the background. Legends for figures do not appear in the figures. However, when uploading the figures in the submission procedures, please ensure that the files are appropriately identified as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Legends for figures include both the figure number and title and explanations of any symbol, line or marking used in the figure and are placed at the appropriate location within the main text.


Headings in the paper are: INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL and METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (or RESULTS and DISCUSSION for Short Communications), CONCLUSION and REFERENCES. For Review articles instead M&M, Results and Discussion section, the Main text section should subdivided by different subheadings describing topics presented/discussed/analysed. For Case studies this part could be the same or replaced by Case presentation part with or without different subheadings.

INTRODUCTION points on the most important, i.e. most recent data regarding the topic with a short presentation of the aims of this research. The essence of the problem and the purpose of the study should be pointed to in this section. The key aspects of the published literature and research should be reviewed. A detailed literature survey or a summary of the results should be avoided. The last part of the Introduction must contain the specific aim(s) of the study.

MATERIAL and METHODS. Here describe the conditions in the experiment, name the used methods, material and animals. The Ethical statement (or description why ethical statement is not applicable) should be provided at the beginning of the section. This section includes, as appropriate, a description of study design, experimental animals or data about the samples used, analytical methods and statistical analyses. Identify the methods and procedures in sufficient details to allow others to reproduce the study. If methods are widely known, they are not described, but appropriate references must be cited. For new methods, the detailed protocols for the method should be included. Authors must provide references for established methods including statistical methods. Specify any general computer program used. Identify all drugs and chemicals used with generic or chemical names, doses and route of administration. For diagnostic kits/reagents and instruments used in the study provide manufacturer, product number, city and country where applicable.

RESULTS. Results are presented in a logical order and in parallel with the Methods (for every Method, there should be a Result), using text descriptions and Tables and/or Figures without duplicating the results between these formats. To enhance clarity, this section can be divided into subsections, each with a concise subheading in italics and which provides details of findings that are required to support the conclusions made in the manuscript.

DISCUSSION. Here give analyses of the obtained results comparing to the results and opinions of other authors, pointing the importance of this research, without giving a conclusion. The Discussion section is not used to summarize current knowledge. The Discussion should clearly identify the main Conclusions of the study. Authors are to provide a clear explanation of the importance and relevance of these Conclusions.  Any new information should be distinguished from the previous findings, and relevant hypotheses can be generated.

CONCLUSION.  Here the authors gives his final conclusions. This part consists of a short integration of Results that refer directly to the stated aim(s) of the study and a statement on the practical implications of the results. The statements and conclusions not supported by data in the presented research should be avoided. This section should not exceed one short paragraph. Do not summarize the Discussion or current knowledge in this section.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The source of funding for the study should be stated in this section. Also, those who have made a substantial contribution to the study in terms of design, execution, analysis or manuscript drafting/revision but do not fit the criteria for authorship should be mentioned in this section. It is the responsibility of the Authors to ensure that those being acknowledged have agreed to being named in this part.


Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). The author should list the references, preferably the most recent one. Only essential references should be included in the text, and these are restricted to the necessary minimum. Cite in-text references by surname and year in parentheses (e.g. Petrović, 2014). In the case of two authors, use the word “and” (e.g. Petrović and Savić, 2015). The abbreviation “et al.” must be used in all cases where more than two authors are cited (e.g. Lazić et al., 2016). Multiple references within parentheses in the text are cited in chronological order (e.g. Petrović, 2014; Petrović and Savić, 2015; Lazić et al., 2016). In case the same author has more publications in the same year, additional letters are added next to the year (Savić et al., 2008a; Savić et al., 2008b).

In the list of REFERENCES, references should be numbered with Arabic numerals, one under the other, written in alphabetical order (use the A-Z sort tool) according to the surname of the first author. In general, the number of references is not limited, but only essential references should be included in the text, and these are restricted to the necessary minimum.

Examples of references:

Articles in journals:

  1. Stojanović D., Maličević Ž., Ašanin R. 2002. The use a new model for the investigation of sepsis. Acta Veterinaria, 52, 2/3, 125-131.
  2. Chen J. and McClane B.A. 2015. Characterization of Clostridium perfringens TpeL toxin gene carriage, production, cytotoxic contributions, and trypsin sensitivity. Infection and Immunity, 83, 2369–2381. doi:10.1128/IAI.03136-14.
  3. Williams R.B. 2015. Intercurrent coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis of chickens: rational, integrated disease management by maintenance of gut integrity. Avian Pathology, 34, 159-180. doi: 10.1080/03079450500112195.
  4. Bailey M.A., Macklin K.S., Krehling J.T. 2013. Use of a multiplex PCR for the detection of toxin-encoding genes netB and tpeL in strains of Clostridium perfringens. ISRN Veterinary Science, Article ID 865702, 1-4. doi:1155/2013/865702.


  1. Ficken, M. D. and Wages, D. P. 1997. Necrotic enteritis in Diseases of Poultry, Eds. B.W. Calnek, H.J. Barnes, C.W. Beard, L.R. McDougald and Y.M. Saif, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 10th edition, ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxxx-xx-x.

Chapters in books:

  1. Plumb J.A. and Hanson L.A. 2011. Sturgeon viruses. In Health maintenance and principal microbial diseases of cultured fishes. Eds. J.A. Plumb, L.A. Hanson, 3rd edition, Blackwell Publishing, 219-225.

Articles in proceedings:

  1. Giangaspero A., Marangi M., Pati S., Cafiero M.A., Camarda C., Sparagano O.A.E. 2011. Investigating the presence of acaricide residues in laying hens naturally infected by the red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. In Book of Abstracts, The 12th Asian food conference 2011, BITEC Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand, 27.
  2. Vidanović D., Petrović T., Šekler M., Debeljak Z., Vasković N., Matović K., Plavšić B., Dmitrić M. 2018. Avian influenza in Serbia: epidemiological situation during 2016–2017. In Programme and Abstract book, 11th International Congress for Veterinary Virology, 12th Annual Meeting of EPIZONE, 27-30.08.2018, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 118 (p187).
  3. Lazić G., Lazić S., Bugarski D., Grubač S., Lupulović D., Samojlović M., Petrović T. 2018. Human enteroviruses in river water and sewage in Vojvodina. In Book of Abstracts, International Scientific Conference “Green economy and environment protection”, Belgrade, 23-25. April 2018, edited by Larisa Jovanović, Belgrade, Naučno stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine “ECOLOGICA“, 95-96. ISBN 978-86-89061-11-6.

Lows and Regulations:

  1. European Union. 2003. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition, Official Journal of the European Union, L 268:29.

Citations with organisations as authors:

  1. European Food Safety Authority. 2016. Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance benzoic acid. EFSA Journal, 14(12):4657-n/a.


  1. Statistica (Data Analysis Software System). 2006. v.7.1., Stat­Soft, Inc., USA (

Web Links:

  1. OIE: Animal Diseases. Available at: Accessed 07.08.2019.
  2. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Historical data by year - West Nile fever seasonal surveillance. Available at: Accessed 31.07.2019.

Cover letter 

All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter which explains why the manuscript is suitable for publication in Archives of Veterinary Medicine and declaring that the manuscript has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Authors should suggest one or two potential unbiased reviewers who are qualified to review the manuscript (reviewers’ affiliations with email addresses, and briefly explain why authors think the suggested scientists would be good reviewers). This letter must warrant that all authors have seen and approved the content. Please find the example of the Cover letter.

Authors’ contributions

In order to give appropriate credit to each author of a paper, the individual contributions of authors to the manuscript are specified by initials in this section. An author is generally considered to be someone who has made significant contribution to a published study. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgements section. Please find the example of the Authors’ contributions

Competing interest

A competing interest exists when your interpretation of data or presentation of information may be influenced by your personal or financial relationship with people or organizations. Authors are required to complete a declaration of competing interests. All competing interests that are declared will be listed at the end of published articles. Where an author gives no competing interests, the listing will read 'The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests'. Please find the example of the Competing interest

A paper that is not in accordance to the aforementioned instructions will not be sent for a review and will be returned to the authors for corrections.

Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors assign a License to Publish. Authors retain copyright of the published papers and grant the publisher the right to publish the article, to be cited as its original publisher in case of reuse, and to distribute it in all forms and media. The final proof will be sent to the Corresponding Author, together with a License to Publish, which all authors have to sign. When an issue is completed, a hard copy of the issue will be produced as well as electronic copy on the Journal webpage. If the submitted manuscript is not accepted for publication by the journal, all rights to the manuscript will be retained by the author(s).

Articles published in Archives of Veterinary Medicine will be Open-Access articles distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

Address of the journal

Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad”,
21000 Novi Sad, Rumenački put 20
Tel. 381 (0)21 4895 321
Account No: 355-1006444-18 Vojvođanska banka,
ID No.: 08608857,
PIB 100236555 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.