Surgical sterilization (ovariohysterectomy) is one of the most common surgical procedures in small veterinary practice because it represents the safest way to control the population of cats. Th e aim of this study is to compare postoperative recovery in three groups of cats (estrous, anestrous and gravid cats) aft er performed ovariohysterectomy using combination of xylasine/ketamine anesthesia and, on the basis of obtained data, determine whether there are some signifi cant diff erences in postoperative recovery in these three groups of cats. Th is study included 45 cats that were divided into three groups. First group consisted of 15 cats in estrous, second group consisted of 15 cats in anestrous and the third group consisted of 15 gravid cats. Ovariohysterectomy was performed in private veterinary clinic. Anesthetic protocol was the same for all cats, that is, combination of xylasine and ketamine at appropriate doses according to body weight. Parameters that were followed through postoperative course were appetite, body temperature, appearance of the wound and activity. Data was collected on the first and third day aft er surgery. Analysis of the collected data shows relatively uniform results among groups of cats considering all followed parameters. Results in this study did not show any signifi cant diff erences in response to xylasine/ketamine anesthesia among cats of diff erent reproductive status through monitoring of postoperative course.
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