Veterinari specialist TOMISLAV Silvestar BARNA – Expert Advisor
Department of Animal Reproduction
Phone: +381 21 4895 319
Mobile: +381 64 818 54 32

Veterinari specialist TOMISLAV Silvestar BARNA – Expert Advisor
Scopus Author ID: 55246225600
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7847-3735
АПВНТ број: 2627
ИД број истраживача МПНТР Р. Србије: 132405
Born: 1960, Vukovar, Republic of Croatia
Scientific field: Obstetrics and artificial insemination of Domestic Animals
Graduated at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo, 1986
Specialist’s work:
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2010.
Field: Reproduction of domestic animals
Title: “Possibilities of implementating progesterone EIA test in the control of reproduction in dairy cows”
Specialist Exam: 1992.
Professional Experience:
Employment record:
- 1986 to 1987 “Vupik”, Vukovar
- 1987 to 1988 Dairy “PIONIR”, Županja, cow farm “ZIB”, manager of a veterinarian service
- 1988 to 1999 AIK Novi Sad, OOUR, “Planta”, RJ “Irmovo”, Kisač manager of veterinarian service
- 1990 to 1991 Scientific Institute for Reproduction and artificial Insemination, Temerin
- 1995 to 2005 The owner of private veterinary pharmacy ,,Veterinarska apoteka”, Temerin
- 2005 to 2006 veterinarian in “Nova Brazda”, Đurđin
- 2006 to 2007 veterinarian at the Scientific veterinary Institute “Novi Sad”, Novi Sad
- 2007 to 2022 Senior Expert Associate Scientific veterinary Institute “Novi Sad”, Novi Sad
- Since 2022 Expert Advisor Scientific veterinary Institute “Novi Sad”, Novi Sad
Scientific and Research Work:
He has published 94 scientific and professional work
Participation in five national research projects
Main research interests:
Reproduction and combat infertility in domestic animals, testing levels of progesterone P4 in whole milk of cows and breeding bulls semen quality analysis and its impact on the reproductive efficiency of cows.
The main daily activities and ONTOLOGY RESEARCH:
Analysis of the quality of semen for artificial insemination of farm animals (computer analysis of CASA and flow cytometry);
Testing the level of progesterone in whole milk P4 EIA test;
the diagnosis of pregnancy and functional activity of sex in breeding animals skinned rectal and ultrasound examination;
the monitoring and processing of reproductive efficiency of cattle software program,, Dairy Quest ”
He has participated in five national scientific and research projects and four projects of the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of Vojvodina.
Ekspertka area:
– Reproduction and combat infertility in domestic animals
– Check the level of progesterone in full milk cows
Participation in scientific symposia:
– 5 international symposium
– 10 national symposium
Membership in scientific and professional associations:
– Veterinary Chamber of Serbia
– Serbian Veterinary Society
– Centers for VO and embryo transfer, livestock selection centers and dairy farms in Verdun and Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany from 15.07.-13.08.1989. the
– State Institute for Quality Control and the International Agricultural Fair in Budapest, Hungary from 17th to 20.09.1990. year.
– Center for VO in Osnabruck, Germany, from 17th to 22.01.1991. year;
– Research Center “IMV TECHNOLOGIES” in LaSapie, Normandy, France. Practical training on equipment operation for testing seeds of domestic animals,, CASA “system and flow cytometry, from 06 to 12 June 2010.
– Summer school – playing ruminants, organized ESDAR (European Association for the reproduction of domestic animals) and the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, Split of 9-18.07. 2012 year.
Current Position:
– Expert Advisor
Foreign languages:
- German, passive
Telephone: + 381 21 4895 319
Chosen references:
- Барна Т., Миловановић А., Лазаревић М., Гвоздић Д.: Possibilities of implementing progesterone EIA test in the control of reproduction in dairy cows. Macedonian Veterinary Review, ISSN 1409-7621, Str. 63-71, 2013 (eng)
- Барна Т.: Репродукција крава и основни метаболички поремећаји на фарми за производњу млека Ирмово, АИК Нови Сад – Нови Сад. Актуелана питања говедарске производње на друштвеним и индивидуалним газдинствима, Стр. 9-13, 1990 (срп)
- Миловановић А., Барна Т., Јовичин М., Васиљевић Т., Лазаревић М.: Модел сарадње репро-центара и лабораторије за репродукцију у контроли квалитета семена нерастова. [уредник Драган Рогожарски], Зборник радова 11. Симпозијума са међународним учешћем ‘Здравствена заштита, селекција и репродукција свиња’ (исхрана свиња као основа успешне профилаксе), Сребрно језеро, 31. мај – 02. јуни 2013. године, Стр. 82-92, Пожаревац, Ветеринарски специјалистички институт, 2013 (срп)
- Гвоздић Д., Барна Т., Миловановић А., Станчић , Божић А., Јовановић И., Милановић С., Вуковић Д., Шулубурић А.: Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) in the repeat-breeding dairy cows reproduction. XIII Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, June 5-8, 2013, CongressProceedings, Str. 192-202, Belgrade, Serbian Buiatrics Association, 2013 (eng)
- Самарџија Д., Барна Т., Миловановић А., Гвоздић Д.: Monitoring the reproductive status of dairy cows on farms in R. of Serbia, using the software program and progesterone test. XIII Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, June 5-8, 2013, CongressProceedings, Str. 592-596, Belgrade, Serbian Buiatrics Association, 2013 (eng)
- Milovanović A., Barna T.: The modified thermoresistance test is not siutable for fertility prediction of frozen-thawed bull semen. The 15th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), Antalya, Turkey 15-17 Semtember 2011, Guest Editor Detlef Rath, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Str. 130-130, Berlin, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 (eng)
- Миловановић А., Барна Т., Миланов Д.: Контрола квалитета семена нерастова компјутерском анализом и проточном цитометријом. Научни симпозијум Репродукција домаћих животиња, Дивчибаре, 13-16. октобар 2011, уредник Миодраг Лазаревић, Зборник предавања, Стр. 191-199, Београд, Научна КМД, 2011 (срп)
- Lazarević M., Milovanović A., Barna T., Miljaš N., Milanov D.: Endometritis therapv in sows by intra uterine instillation of veast cell wall solution. Acta Veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, Str. 627-639, 2012 (eng)
- Vasiljević T., Milovanović A., Barna T., Lazarević M.: Uticaj strukture hromatina spermatozoida na oprasivost i veličinu legla. Naučni simpozijum Reprodukcija domaćih životinja, Divčibare, 10-13. oktobar 2013, urednik Miodrag Mirilović, Zbornik predavanja, Str. 177-178, Beograd, Naučna KMD, 2013 (srp)
- Maksimović N., Petrović M., Delić N., Milovanović A., Barna T., Caro-Petrović V., Ružić-Muslić D.: Assisted reproductive technologies in sheep. organizer Faculty of Agriculture, [editor in chief Slavča Hristov], Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Animal Science, November 8-10th 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 2, Str. 827-837, Beograd, Faculty of Agriculture, 2012 (eng)
- Barna Tomislav, Apić Jelena, Milovanović Aleksandar, Maksimović Nevena, Mašić Aleksandar, Lazarević Marina, Pavlović Miloš: Quality and fertility of extended boar semen after prolonged transport.Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, doi:10.3906/vet-2012-63, ISSN 1300-0128, 45, 2021
- Barna Tomislav, Milovanović Aleksandar, Apić Jelena, Gvozdić Dragan: Uticaj vakcine Porcilis PRRS na kvalitet sperme nerastova – prikaz slučaja = Effect of Porcilis PRRS vaccine on boar semen quality – case report.Zbornik predavanja, 10.Naučni simpozijum ‘Reprodukcija domaćih životinja i bolesti mlečne žlezde’, 10-13.10.2019.,str.229-230, ISBN 978-86-80446-28-8, 2019
- Barna Tomislav, Apić Jelena, Stojanov Igor, Milovanović Aleksandar: Oštećenje hromozoma spermatozoida kao mogući uzrok povađanja kuja-prikaz slučaja = Sperm DNA fregmentation as a possible cause of bitches return to service – a case report.Zbornik predavanja, 12.Naučni simpozijum ‘Reprodukcija domaćih životinja’, 7-10.10.2021., Divčibare, str.203-204, ISBN 978-86-80446-43-1, 2021.
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