Jasna Prodanov-Radulovic, DVM, MSc, PhD,
Principal Research Fellow
Department of Epizootiology, Clinical Examination and DDD
E-mail: jasna@niv.ns.ac.rs
Phone: +381 21 489 53 14

Jasna Prodanov-Radulovic, DVM, MSc, PhD, Principal Research Fellow
Department of Epizootiology, Clinical Examination and DDD
Phone number: +381 21 489 53 14
Mobile phone: +381 64 818 5431
E-mail: jasna@niv.ns.ac.rs
Scopus Author ID: 36028775400
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6116-3271
ResearchGate: Jasna-Prodanov-Radulovic
APVNT number: 1624
ID number of researcher in MPNTR R. Serbia: 130762
Veterinary Chamber of Serbia, licence number 1099
Scientific field: Diseases of ungulates, contagious disease of swine, epidemiology
Expert fields: epidemiology, health protection of domestic pigs , contagious disease of domestic pigs and wild boars, technopaties in swine production, biosecurity
Born 1972 in Kisač, Republic of Serbia
Specialization from the field of Epidemiology (Tempus Project): African Swine Fever (ASF): risk analysis, diagnostics and control measures in Serbia – Department for Infectious diseases animals and bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2016.
PhD thesis: Influence of colostral antibodies on immunity of piglets vaccinated against classical swine fever, Department for Infectious diseases animals and bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2013.
Master thesis: The research on the lenght of protective level of maternally derived antibodies in piglets originated from sows vaccinated against classical swine fever, Department for Infectious diseases animals and bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2005.
Postgraduate studies: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2000-2004.
Graduated at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, 1999.
Medical nurse-technician, Secondary Medical School „7. april “, Novi Sad, 1992.
Scientific titles:
- Principal Research Fellow
2019. Senior Research Associate
2013. Research Associate
Research titles:
2006. Associate
2001. Junior Researcher
Professional Experience:
– from 2000. to 2013. Department for Epizootiology and Health Protection of Swine, Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad”
– from 2014. to today – Department for Epizootiology, Clinical Diagnostic and DDD, Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad”
Working experience: 24 years
Maternity leave:
January 2010 – January 2011
Februar 2012 – Februar 2013
Scientific and publicist activity:
Basic Research Interests:
Epidemiology and Health protection of domestic pigs and wild boars , Clinical diagnostics and pathology, Transboundary Infectious diseases of swine, Imunoprophylaxis, Diagnostics, Control and Eradication of contagious and infective disease of swine (Classical swine fever, African Swine Fever, Pseudorabies) and zoonosis, Biosecurity measures on swine farms, technopaties
Main Working and Research Activities:
Epidemiological field controls, Epidemiologist for transboundary infectious diseases of swine (CSF, ASF), Clinical and pathological diagnostics of infectious and noninfectious diseases of domestic pigs and wild boars; Control programs and health protection of swine; Diagnosis, control, prophylaxis and eradication of transboundary contagious disease of swine and zoonosis; ; Instructive work on the field with swine farms; biosecurity trainings for farmers.
Scientific and publicist activity:
Published more than 250 scientific and specialistic articles
Scientific project activities:
Participation in 10 national scientific projects and number of international projects (IPA, FP7, COST action, bilateral international projects)
The last two national projects:
- Wild animal health monitoring and introduction of new biotechnology procedures in detection of infectious and zoonotic agents – risk analysis for human health, domestic and wild animal health and for environmental contamination; Project No: TR31084; Coordinator dr Tamas Petrovic (2011-2016).
- Research on pharmacological characteristics of antimicrobial agents, introduction of new technological alternative methods of prophylactic with the purpose to improve control of infectious animal disease of farm animals, TR-31071, Ministry for Science, Tehnology and Education , Republic of Serbia, project coordinator dr Dubravka Milanov(2011 – 2017)
She was the coordinator of a project task entitled “Improving the program for the control of animal health” within the national project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, project registration number 31071: implementation period from 2011-2017, Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad” (No. 10083/4 -220 dated 12 November 2013)
Provincial projects:
Active researcher on the project: “Development of a strategy for the prevention of the spread of African swine fever and solutions to mitigate the consequences of the disruption of the sustainable development of pig farming and the negative socio-economic impact on the economic development of Vojvodina”, a project financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research Activity of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (2021-2024)
Bilateral international projects:
Bilateral project of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovakia (2019-2021), in which she was the coordinator and head of the Serbian research group, project name: Bacteriocins, a safe way to inhibit antibiotic resistant bacteria from pigs for healthy farming, No. project: 337-00-107/2019-09/14.
Bilateral project of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia (2023-2025), in which she was the coordinator and head of the Serbian research group, project name: STOP AFRICAN SWINE FEVER – evaluation and development of solutions for biosecurity measures in domestic pig production No. project: 337-00-110/2023-05/48
International cooperation – Active participation in COST actions
- COST action FA1401: “European network on the factors affecting the gastro-intestinal microbial balance and the impact on the health status of pigs (PiGutNet). Member of the MC for the Republic of Serbia and active participant (2014-2018)
- COST action CA15116: Understanding and combating African Swine Fever in Europe (ASF-STOP). Working group No. 3, in which she was an active member, included experts dealing with health care within the farm breeding of domestic pigs (2016-2020).
- COST action 20103: Biosecurity enhanced through training, evaluation and raising awareness (BETTER) (2021-2024). Appointed as MC member, member of the Core group of the action and Head of working group number 1 https://better-biosecurity.eu/participants/jasnaniv -ns-ac-rs/main/
- COST action CA21132: European Swine Influenza Network” (ESFLU) (2022-2025) Appointed as MC member, working group 3 and 4. https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21132/#tabs+Name:Management%20Committee
Training school: Life Cycle Swine Health and Risk Management, USDA, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, 2006.
Training school: Diagnostic Skills Development Training Program. Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Ames, Iowa State University, USА, 2007.
International seminar (ASAP 2014) “Challenges in practice, solution in science”, Arandjelovac 4-5.09. in 2014
Training: Antimicrobial resistance, Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Serbian Veterinary Society, 2014., Belgrade, Serbia
Training: „Development trands in pig production chain“, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Kingdom of Netherlands, 02.04. 2014.
Training school: Training for handling and care of live specimens of wild animals, Zoo park “Palic”, Republic of Serbia, 2014.
Training school: Life Cycle Swine Health and Risk Management, USDA, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, 2006.
Training School COST Action (FA1401): “Gut Biology and Health”, PhD course, Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2015.
Training School COST Action (FA1401): “Contemporary feed production-technological and nutritional aspects”, University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology, Center “FEED TO FOOD”, Serbia, 2016.
TAIEX Study visit on Control and Prevention Measures in case of Outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF), Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche (IZS-UM), Perugia, Fermo, Italy, 28-30. 11. 2016 (Reference code: AGR IND/STUD 61466).
Training school COST Action CA15116 (ASF-STOP): ASFV passive surveillance in wild boar. Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia, 23-27. 10. 2017.
Training school COST Action CA15116 (ASF-STOP): Epidemiological investigations in commercial and back yard pig holdings affected by ASF, Greifswald-Insel Riems, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany, 26-28. 06. 2018.
Training school COST Action CA15116 (ASF-STOP): Participatory methods to evaluate and improve the surveillance and control measures for African swine fever in wild boar in affected and at-risk countries, Greifswald-Insel Riems, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany, 5-7 February 2019.
EuFMD: Course for preparatory measures in case of African swine fever for the Balkan countries, virtual meetings, 2020.
EuFMD and FAO REU Multi-country Simulation Exercise (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia and Serbia), 23-24 February 2021, virtual meeting.
Online training on biosecurity in livestock farms. Biocheck.ugent, Organized by Ghent University with support of the European College of Veterinary Public Health, 2021.
Training school COST Action BETTER CA20103: Biosecurity Assessment and Motivational Interviews. Organized by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Faculty of Center for Veterinary Medicine , and Animal Science, Uppsala, Sweden, 18-19 March, 2024.
Other relevant professional experience:
- A member of a special working group for the preparation of the Risk Assessment of the Republic of Serbia from natural disasters and accidents. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Internal Affairs, No. 01-264/17-32 from March, 2017, coordinator from Veterinary Administration.
- A member of the Expert Group for Monitoring the movement, prevention and control of the infectious disease African swine fever. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Veterinary Administration, Decision No. 119-01-260/2017-05, August 2017.
- A member of the working group for revision of the existing and development of a new Strategy for the eradication of classical swine fever, with an Action Plan for the cessation of vaccination. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Veterinary Administration, Decision No. 119-01-25/2018-05, 2018.
- A member of the working group for the preparation of the dossier of the Republic of Serbia for obtaining the status of a country free from classical swine fever infection, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Veterinary Administration, Decision No.: 0408 841 001 000 000 001 from 29.02.2024.
Membership in Scientific and Professional Associations:
Veterinary Chamber of Serbia
Serbian Veterinary Association licence number 1099,
European Association of Porcine health management (EAPHM)
Languages: English language active, Slovak language active
Other skills: Driving license, Good computer skills (MS. Office), Good sense of teamwork, registered breeder of Scottish cats (Scottish Fold & Straight Cats) in the World Cat Federation (WCF)
Current position and contact details:
Jasna Prodanov-Radulovic, DVM, MSc, PhD, Principal Research Fellow
Department of Epizootiology, Clinical Examination and DDD
Phone number: +381 21 489 53 14
Mobile phone: +381 64 818 5431
E-mail: jasna@niv.ns.ac.rs
Chosen references:
- Prodanov J., Došen R., Pušić I., Bugarski D., Valčić M.: Passive immunity evaluation in piglets originating from sows vaccinated with China strain of classical swine fever virus. Acta Veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, 57, 5/6, str.413-427, 2007 https://doi.org/10.2298/AVB0706413P
- Polaček V., Prodanov J., Lazić S., Petrović T., Rašić Z., Aleksić-Kovačević S.: Immunohistochemical Detection of B аnd T Lymphocytes In Mandibular Lymph Nodes Of Experimentally Infected Piglets With Classical Swine Fever Virus. Acta Veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, 57, 2/3, str.199-208, 2007 DOI: 10.2298/AVB0703199P
- Lupulović D., Lazić S., Prodanov-Radulović J., Jime´nez de Oya N., Escribano-Romero E., Saiz J., Petrović T.: First Serological Study of Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Backyard Pigs from Serbia. Food Environment Virology, 2, str.110-113, 2010 DOI: 10.2298/VSP170815159P
- D’Agostino M., Cook N., Di Bartolo I., Ruggeri F., Berto A., Martelli F., Banks M., Vasickova P., Kralik P., Pavlik I., Kokkinos P., Vantarakis A., Söderberg K., Maunula L., Verhaelen K., Rutjes S., de Roda Husman A., Hakze R., Van der Poel W., Kaupke A., Kozyra I., Rzežutka A., Prodanov-Radulović J., Lazić S., Petrović T., Carratala A., Gironés R., Diez-Valcarce M., Hernandez M., Rodriguez-Lazaro D.: Multicenter collaborative trial evaluation of a method for detection of human adenoviruses in berry fruit. Food Analytical Methods, ISSN 1936-9751, 7, 2011 10.1007/s12161-011-9287-0
- Toplak I., Lazić S., Lupulović D., Prodanov-Radulović J., Becskei Z., Došen R., Petrović T.: Study of the genetic variability of porcine Circovirus type 2 detected in Serbia and Slovenia. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 60, 3, pp.409-420 2012 DOI: 10.1556/AVet.2012.035
- Prodanov-Radulović J., Došen R., Polaček V., Petrović T., Stojanov I., Ratajac R., Valčić M.: Classical swine fever: active immunization of piglets with subunit (E2) vaccine in the presence of different levels of colostral immunity (China strain) Acta veterinaria-Beograd, ISSN 0567-8315, 64, 4, 493-509, 2014. DOI: 10.2478/acve-2014-0046
- Prodanov-Radulović J., Petrović T., Lupulović D., Marčić D., Petrović J., Grgić Ž., Lazić S.: First detection and clinical presentation of Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in Serbia. Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, ISSN 0567-8315, 67 (3), 383-396, 2017 doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/acve-2017-0031
- Prodanov-Radulović J., Živkov-Baloš M., Jakšić S., Grgić Ž., Stojanov I., Bojkovski J., Tassis P. D.: Aflatoxin M1 levels in sow milk. J HELLENIC VET MED SOC, ISSN 1792-2720, 68 (3): 341-346, 2017. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/jhvms.15487
- Božić Biljana, Polaček Vladimir, Vučićević Ivana, Vidanović Dejan, Vasković Nikola, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Aleksić-Kovačević Sanja: Morphological Differences of Pancreatic Lesions in Mute Swans and Hens Naturally Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N8.Acta veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, 68, 2, 217-223, 2018 DOI: 10.2478/acve-2018-0018
- Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Stanković B., Hristov S.D.: African swine fewer – spreading the disease in Europe and preventive measures taken in the Republic of Serbia.Proceedings, The International Symposium on Animal Science (ISAS)2018, 22-23th November, Belgrade, Serbia, [editor in chief Zoran Popović], Zemun, Faculty of Agriculture, 2018, 201-208, ISBN 978-86-7834-316-2
- Petrović Tamaš, Kuhar Urška, Lazić Sava, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Lupulović Diana, Lazić Gospava, Toplak Ivan: Complete genome sequences of two strains of classical swine fever virus of subgenotype 2.3 detected during outbreaks in 2005 and 2006 in Serbia.Archives of Virology, ISSN 0304-8608, 163, 1, 1-3, 2018 DOI: 10.1007/s00705-018-4085-2
- Petrović Jelena, Grgić Živoslav, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Ratajac Radomir, Urošević Miroslav, Pustahija Tatjana, Medić Snežana: Epidemiology of human Trichinellosis in Vojvodina province, Serbia, from 2005 to 2016. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, ISSN 0236-6290, 67, 1, 40-50, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1556/004.2019.005
- Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Vučićević Ivana, Polaček Vladimir, Aleksić-Kovačević Sanja: Current swine respiratory diseases morphology in intensive swine production in Serbia. Acta veterinaria, 70, 1, 1-36, 2020,
- De Lorenzi Giorgia, Borella Laura, Alborali Giovanni Loris, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Štukelj Marina, Bellini Silvia: African Swine Fever: a review of Cleaning and Disinfection procedures in commercial pig holdings.Research in Veterinary Science, ISSN 0034-5288, 132, 262-267, 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.rvsc.2020.06.009
- Stojanov Igor, Milovanović Aleksandar, Barna Tomislav, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Apić Jelena, Stojanović Dragica, Maksimović Nevena: Antimicrobial resistance as a problem for the quality of boar semen. Acta veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, 70, 1, 136-146, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/acve-2020-0010
- Štukelj M., Prodanov-Radulović J, Bellini S.: Cleaning and disinfection in the domestic pig sector.Understanding and combatting African Swine Fever, Edited by Laura Iacolina, Mary-Louise Penrith, Silvia Bellini, Erika Chenais, Ferran Jori, Maria Montoya, Karl Stahl and Dolores Gavier-Widén, Wageningen,The Netherlands., Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2021, 283-301, ISBN 978-90-8686-357-0, https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-910-7_11
- Petrović Jelena, Kartalović Brankica, Mirčeta Jovan, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Ratajac Radomir, Mastanjević Krešimir: Organochlorine pesticides and NDL-PCBs in wild boars from flatland region with intensive agricultural activites. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B, ISSN 1939-3210, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/19393210.2021.1976287
- Nešković Milijana, Ristić Bojan, Došenović Rade, Grubač Siniša, Petrović Tamaš, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Polaček Vladimir: African swine fever outbreak investigation on large commercial pig farm in Serbia. Acta veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, 71, 2, 219-229, 2021, DOI: 10.2478/acve-2021-0019
- Polaček Vladimir, Mirčeta Jovan, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna: Key risk factors and impact of African Swine Fever spreading on pig production in Serbia. Acta veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, 71, 4, 371-391, 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/acve-2021-0032
- Petrović Jelena, Mirčeta Jovan, Babić Jelena, Malešević Miloš, Blagojević Bojan, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Antić Dragan: Salmonella in wild boars (sus scrofa): characterization and epidemiology. Acta veterinaria, ISSN 0567-8315, 72, 2, 184-194, 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/acve-2022-0015
- Lauková Andrea, Stojanov Igor, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Mad’ar Marián, Focková Valentína, Ščerbová Jana, Grešáková Ľubomíra, Pogány Simonová Monika: Susceptibility to Bacteriocins of Multiresistant, mecA Gene Possessing Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Strains from Lesions on Dogs in Vojvodina (Serbia). Microb Drug Resist 2022, 28(4):484-491. DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2021.0159
- Đurđević Biljana, Vučićević Ivana, Bogunović Danica, Pajić Marko, Vejnović Branislav, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Polaček Vladimir: First Report of Sarconema eurycerca Heart Infection in Mute Swans in Serbia. Acta Parasitologica, ISSN 1230-2821, 67, str.1773-1777, 2022 (eng), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11686-022-00616-3
- Aleksić-Kovačević Sanja, Vučićević Miloš, Özvegy József, Jelisić Stefan, Đurđević Biljana, Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Došenović Milan, Marinković Darko: Eight-Year Study of Haemogregarina stepanowi Infection in Poached European Pond Turtles (Emys orbicularis) Held in Belgrade Zoo Quarantine. Animals, ISSN 2076-2615, 13, 2429, 7, 2023, https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13152429
- Prodanov-Radulović Jasna, Mirčeta Jovan, Đurđević Biljana, Lazić Sava, Aleksić-Kovačević Sanja, Petrović Jelena, Polaček Vladimir: African Swine Fever Outbreak in an Enclosed Wild Boar Hunting Ground in Serbia. Pathogens, ISSN 2076-0817, 12, 691, 2023, https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens12050691
- Siniša Grubač, Marko Cincović, Radojica Djoković, Mira Majkić, Maja Došenović Marinković, Miloš Petrović, Sandra Nikolić, Jože Starič, Jasna Prodanov Radulović: Blood Iron Status in Dairy Cows during Early Lactation – Relationship with Hematological, Biochemical, Endocrine and Inflammatory Response. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2023. 51, ISSN 1679-9216, https://doi.org/10.22456/1679-9216.135974
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