ARHIVE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE is a journal of the Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad” in Novi Sad. The journal publishes original, expert and review papers, case reports, reports from symposia and other meetings, book reviews, cases from history of veterinary medicine. All manuscripts are sent for a review and evaluation. In the case the reviewer suggests additional changes, the manuscript will be sent to the first author with a kind request to change the manuscript. In the case the author does not want to change, appropriate argumentation should be given. Final decision on accepting the manuscript is given by the editor in chief, together with editorial committee.
The journal is published in the Serbian language, followed by an abstract in English. The papers of foreign authors are published in English followed by an abstract in Serbian.
The manuscript should be written according to the following instructions:
General notes
The paper should be in Word program, Latin characters, size 12 pt, Times New Roman, double spaced. Left and right margins 20 mm, top and foot margins 30 mm, paper size A4. If special symbols are used, use font Symbol. The manuscript should be submitted on paper size A4, but also in electronic form. Pagination on the right side, starting from the title page. References and notes are cited in the text by authors’ names, followed by the year of publication. If there are more than two authors, only the name of the first author is written followed by the abbreviation “i sar.” (Vidić i sar., 2004).
If the paper is part of a project, name the financier and the project number at the end.
Title page
On the title page the following should be written:
– the title of the paper in capital letters, without underlining and abbreviations
– the names of the authors (first and second name, followed by a comma).
Above the second name place a number that denotes the institution where the author works:
– full name of the institutions should be given.
– at the bottom of the page write E-mail address of one author, for correspondence.
Every paper should be followed by a summary (300 words). Beside the title, name of the authors and institutions, it should contain the most important facts from the paper and three to eight key words.
All the subtitles write in bold capital letters. Use short and concise sentences. Name the drugs as their International Nonproprietary Names (so called generic names). If the name of a specific drug is to be stressed, name it together with the producer (in brackets). The names of devices write as used in trade (name of the producer in brackets). When using an abbreviation for the first time, write the words that stand for. Abbreviations cannot be used in the title and summary. Text should not be longer than 8 pages. Avoid long enclosures.
Tables number with the Arabic numerals (above the table). Use Times New Roman, 12 pt, single space, without indentation. If abbreviations are used, give an explanation bellow the table.
Graphs number with the Arabic numerals (below the graph). Use Times New Roman, 12 pt, single space, without indentation. If abbreviations are used, give an explanation bellow the graph..
Scheme number with the Arabic numerals (bellow the scheme). Use Times New Roman, 10 pt, single space, without indentation. If abbreviations are used, give an explanation bellow the graph.
Photographs number with the Arabic numerals (bellow the photo). Only original photographs can be used (black and white). On the back side write ordinal number of the photo and mark the top of the photo.
Headings in the paper are: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Conclusion and Literature.
Introduction points on the most important, i.e. most recent data regarding the topic with a short presentation of the aims of this research.
Material and Methods. Here describe the conditions in the experiment, name the used methods, material and animals.
Results. The results are displayed through tables or graphs, numbered with ordinal numbers and with an explanation what the photo, table or graph shows.
Discussion. Here give analyses of the obtained results comparing to the results and opinions of other authors, pointing the importance of this research, without giving a conclusion.
Conclusion. Here the authors gives his final conclusions.
Literature. The author should list the references, preferably the most recent one. References should be numbered with Arabic numerals, one under the other, written in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author. In general, the number of references is not limited, but it is advisable to write 15 references.
Examples of references:
- Articles in journals:
Stojanović D., Maličević Ž., Ašanin R.: The use a new model for the investigation of sepsis. Acta Veterinaria, 52, 2/3, 125-131, 2002 - Books:
Qinn P.: Clinical Veterinary Microbiology. London, Mosby, 1998 - Chapters in books:
Vidić B., Boboš S., Lako B., Lončarević A.: Dijagnostika bruceloze. U: Aleksandar Lončarević, Bruceloza svinja, Beograd: Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2000, str.47-49 - Articles in proceedings:
Valčić M., Lazić S., Rašić Z.: Mesto i uloga terenskog veterinara u epizootiološkom radu.
U: Dragiša R.Trailović, urednik, Zbornik radova, X regionalno savetovanje iz kliničke patologije i terapije životinja, 1-5. septembar, Kragujevac, Beograd: Fakultet veterinarske medicine, 2008, 75-82
A paper that is not in accordance to the aforementioned instructions will not be sent for a review and will be returned to the authors for corrections.
Address of the journal
Naučni institut za veterinarstvo “Novi Sad”, Novi Sad
Rumenački put 20, tel. 021/ 4895 392, e-mail: